2021 UtahJS Survey Results
In December of 2021, a survey of UtahJS members was conducted through the group's slack channel around the topics of compensation, education, work locations, Covid-19, and other issues. There were 204 participants. Presented here are an analysis of the results, as well as some commentary, and a link to the raw result data.
Jump To:
- Demographics
- Compensation
- Education
- Location
- Benefits
- Raises
- Covid-19 Effects
- Previous years
- Link to data & licenses
Tip: For charts with lots of data, hover over (or click) a chart series in the label to see those points highlighted.
I would consider myself a...
This year, members were asked to bucket themselves in to job-titles, such as "Junior Developer" or "Engineering Manager"
How much experience do people have in different roles?
What are the experience levels for all of the survey respondents?
Gender of respondents...
This year, the survey included compensation questions about base pay (cash compensation), liquid equity (stock), non-reoccurring bonuses, pay changes from changing employers, as well as important benefits.
Cash Compensation aka Salary
How does compensation change with experience?
Comparison to previous years
Tip: Hover over each year to highlight them individually
Total Comp (sum of salary, bonuses, and equity)
118 of 203 respondents (58%) received either a cash bonus, liquid equity, or both
Of those that did receive equity or a cash bonus, what was it?
How does gender relate to compensation?
How does job title relate to compensation?
What is the distribution of education types?
Survey respondents could choose multiple options from:
- Self Taught (49)
- Some College (35)
- Bootcamp (88)
- Bachelor's Degree (110)
- Graduate Degree (15)

It is really challenging to represent the overlap of 5 options topologically, so some of the smaller overlaps have been omitted in the above graphic.
Do different education types have different compensation distributions?
In the past, I've usually had a box plot showing the difference in compensation between, say, Bootcamp grads and Bachelor's Degree holders. After seeing several years of data, I now believe that this variation is mostly explained by experience. As time goes on, and the selection bias continues to work against bootcamp grads, I believe those that continue in their career will have comp on-par with their peers.
What type of degrees do respondents have?
While Computer Science Bachelors and Masters degrees remain the largest type of degree held, as a whole, they are a minority to non-computer-science degree holders.
All degrees
- Computer Science (37)
- Information Systems (12)
- Software Engineering (7)
- Mathematics (5)
- English (4)
- Communications (4)
- Web Development (3)
- Marketing (3)
- Information Technology (3)
- Electrical Engineering (3)
- Economics (3)
- Business Management (3)
- Spanish (2)
- Political Science (2)
- Microbiology (2)
- Management Information Systems (2)
- Digital Media (2)
- Computer Science (2)
- Computer Information Technology (2)
- Computer Engineering (2)
- Business Administration (2)
- Biology (2)
- Visual Comms: Design (1)
- Statistics (1)
- Sociology (1)
- Social Science (1)
- Physics (1)
- Outdoor Recreation and Geology (1)
- Neuroscience (1)
- Mechanical Engineering (1)
- Linguistics (1)
- Korean (1)
- Interdisciplinary studies (1)
- Information Systems (1)
- History (1)
- Google Searching (1)
- GIS (1)
- Geography (1)
- General Studies (1)
- Game Development (1)
- Environmental Science (1)
- Entreprenuership (1)
- Dont have one (1)
- Cybersecurity (1)
- Civil Engineering (1)
- Business management (1)
- Bootcamp Certificate (1)
- Bioinformatics (1)
- Biochemistry (1)
- ASL (1)
- Advertising (1)
- Accounting (1)
Where do respondents live?
21 (10%) Respondents live remotely
Where do respondents work?
49 Respondents work remotely
Utah vs. Remote Salary
What are common benefits?
Respondents were asked about other benefits they thought were particularly good. Most common were:
- 100% paid health insurance
- Unlimited PTO
- Flexible schedule
- Paid parental leave
- Education stipends & Reimbursements
- 401k Matching
Some new and upcoming benefits this year include:
- 4-day work week
- Home office & Lunch stipend
- Travel Voucher
How many people received a raise this year?
How does receiving a raise at your current employer compare with moving to a new employer?
This year I asked some questions specifically about Covid-19 and the changes in work that have happened as a result.
Very few people reported their employment being affected by Covid-19. Of those few that did, they were equally split between "received no raise because of the pandemic," and "received an extra raise because of the worker shortage."
Home office vs. Office office
Previous Years Results
This survey has been conducted since 2017: